Clients Reviews Our Driver's License & Documents Production Services:

I had failed several driving tests before, so I was hesitant to apply for a real German driver's license and passport. But I decided to give MDL a try, and I'm so glad I did! They made the process very simple and easy to understand. They also worked with us to resolve any issues quickly, even when we had missing or misplaced documents. It took them just 5 working days to do this at a very reasonable price. We received our passports and driver's licenses when promised, and they were both legitimate and registered with the appropriate authorities. I'm so impressed with MDL's service. They are fast, efficient, and reliable. I couldn't be happier with my experience. I highly recommend MDL to anyone who is looking for a legitimate agency that can provide you with the documents you need. They are truly a reliable and trustworthy agency.
Юрген Нойер D.
Crespo A.
Crespo A.
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Hi, I was surprised when you said you produce Schengen -Visa. I placed my order and paid my money with skepticism but to my greatest surprises, everything went smooth and I am now in Germany via my German Visa. See, there are many people that I know are desperately looking for your services. I will inform them all and will recommend or even help you advertise your service. You guys are just soo awesome. Crespo A. San Antonio City, CA
I was skeptical at first. Everything happened so quickly. I had been scammed out of 8350 euros by another agency, so I was hesitant to try MDL. But I'm so glad I did! They produced my Swedish driver's license in just 3 days. I checked with the Transportstyrelsen office, and it was registered! It was like magic! Today, my husband and son finally got their Swedish passports and Romanian driver's licenses from MDL. I'm so grateful to them for their help. They are truly a reliable and trustworthy agency. If you're looking for a legitimate agency that can provide you with the documents you need, I highly recommend MDL. They are fast, efficient, and reliable. I couldn't be happier with their service. Thank you guys! Hug!!!
Anisha Forsberg
George T.
George T.
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I got my EU Passport and am now traveling within Europe like i own it. Thanks a lot. I recommended your services to some 5 friends of mine and they called me to inform me that they got their passports and everything was genuine. So they will also travel to meet me here in France. On their behalf, i say Thank you for your services. George T. Paris, FR. George T.
I grew up knowing how difficult it was to obtain a German driver's license. I tried but failed severally. I got old and was ashamed to retake the driving tests. I came to MDL and they gave me hope. They got me a registered German drivers license Class B without any exam in just 3 working days. I can't thank them enough. I'll give them a 5.
Khazi Abi
Stephanie Barnes
Stephanie Barnes
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Hello, Please try to be faster next time. I ordered a Canadian residence permit- Green card and land certificate from you guys. Apparently, you took longer than expected. I'm happy though I got to receive my documents. Keep up the good work!
Искам само да ви благодаря, момчета. Вече съм пълноправен гражданин на ЕС. Вече имам паспорт на ЕС (Белгия), удостоверение за раждане, лична карта и шофьорска книжка. Много съм ви благодарен за помощта. Направихте процеса толкова лесен и ясен. Отначало малко се колебаех дали да използвам агенция, която да ми помогне с документите, но съм толкова доволен, че го направих. Всички вие бяхте толкова професионални и отзивчиви. Отговорихте на всичките ми въпроси и се уверихте, че съм разбрала процеса. Получих документите си своевременно и всички те бяха легитимни и регистрирани в съответните органи. Не бих могла да бъда по-доволна от вашите услуги. Възможно е в бъдеще да ми трябват други документи от вас, така че със сигурност ще се свържа с вас отново. Много ви благодаря за помощта.
Rita G.
Business Woman
I had searched for where to get a pilot license and boat license online to no avail. I was about to give up when I found MDL. They were the only ones providing these services, and I was hesitant at first because I had never heard of them before. But I decided to give them a try, and I'm so glad I did! They were incredibly helpful and made the process very simple. They answered all of my questions and helped me to understand the requirements for each license. They also provided me with all of the necessary documentation. I received my pilot license and boat license in just a few days. They were both legitimate and registered with the appropriate authorities. I'm so impressed with MDL's service. They are fast, efficient, and reliable. I couldn't be happier with my experience. I highly recommend MDL to anyone who is looking for a legitimate agency that can provide you with pilot licenses and boat licenses. They are truly
Stephen Barnes
Private Pilot
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